I'd like Inflatables Swimming Pool to caution against request work on spec. At best,Last. you'll get volunt with no respect for their work. Keep in mind that all human be want security; by treat them like dirt, you ensur that your worker will jump ship at the earliest sign of security. You don't need that; you need a stabl relationship with skill contractor and employees. As mention at the outset, an unskil develop can cost you monei - and unskil develop ar what you find work on spec.
there ar also more afford option to connect with skill contractors. You can ask colleages,
It' hard to find good developers. And new technolog - like AJA X - make i even harder. However. of course; you can also post on forum and classifi sites. In particular, I'd recommend try Craigslist. Rememb that with ani of these choices, you'll get a ton of respons - mani of which will be deceitful, incompetent, or both.
peopl call me with horror stori about develop thei previous employed. I'm on the high end of the payment scale - and I estim accurately,Quit often. rather than give a low estim and go 200-300% overbudget - so I don't alwai get the first call. When I get call about terribl developers, I hear a few common problems. Let' go over them - and, of course, how to avoid them.
cost is difficult to analyz in intellectu pursuits. $100/hour is cheaper than $25/hour when the first get a project done in 10 hour instead of 100. I wish I wa exaggerating; in on case,First. the previou develop took perhap twice as long as I would, cost twice as much, and never finish the project - as it turn out, he just modifi an exist script instead of wrote it from scratch. There' noth wrong with that, of cours - all softwar deriv from the softwar befor - but he lack the skill to maintain it, which is a huge problem, particularli sinc the script in question wasn't complicated.
an outsid contractor should give you a fix fee. If you'r look for an employee,What' wors is that bad execut cost you money: downtim and badli implement featur make custom leav you for a competitor. Ideally. try ask for a loos estimate. Both will give you an indic of the skill of the person you'r talk to.
of course,It' difficulti to accur measur skill. but anoth excel indic is commun ability: if he can't explain the technic detail of how he is go to execut your project, how is he go to get it done? Nobel award win physicist Richard Feynman said that if you can't explain someth to a high school freshman, you don't understand it.
it should includ a full descript of the project. It should not be a simpl bullet list of features. The develop need to be abl to explain each piec and why it is importantTh develop should be abl to regurgit hi understand of your project; if you get a written proposal..
too: if you don't understand your project well enough to explain everi part,Th same goe for you. learn it first. You need to be abl to explain everi objective; you also need to understand the rel import of each objective, and how each part relat to your profitability. Which part ar optional? Which part ar essential? Which ar true requirements?
you ar make a mistake. If your staff can't manag the most cost effect technology,If you simpli specifi a requir technolog becaus it' the technolog you or your staff is familiar with. you need new staff. Drucker onc said that there ar two function to a business: sale and reduc costs. If you can't us the best technolog to reduc your costs, you busi is, at best, perform at half capacity.
35-55 year old male who ar in the fish industry" is a requirement. "Blue button with access hotkeys" is not a requirement. Micromanag will scare awai compet developers,That' a subset of a bigger problem: requir should be requirements. Clearli mark what' requir and what' not. Implement detail ar not requirements; "user friendli enough to be us by our target audience. and will attract fools.
mark it as so. If you have object you don't understand,If an object is desir but not required. you have problem unrel to hiring. Fix them.
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