
Frbiz Reports Parquet Zouqiao Market Will Be Dominated

In the Water Balls entir floor industri decreas by 10% of the cases, the solid wood floor sales, or an increas of 30%. Class floor from solid wood consumpt trend of view, wood lamin floor into the mainstream consumer. All sale will be expect to produc more than 80 million squar meter will be a solid wood parquet floor consumpt of mainstream classes, while the tradit solid wood floor is still declining, ar gradual be replac by solid wood flooring. Three-lay solid wood flooring, solid wood floor ha becom a multi-lay wood composit floor consumpt of the main categories.

Domest consumpt of wood floor from the class structure, in order to European market for three-lay solid wood floor as well as the mainstream market in the U.S. mainstream multi-lay solid wood flooring, the domest market have been rapidli growing, technolog and the market continu to mature, so that wood compound class floor wa a lot of develop ha chang the concept of consumpt of solid wood floor category, three-tier, multi-lay solid wood parquet into today' theme of class to consume.

Three-tier, multi-lay parquet consumpt advantages

In the intern market, with three-tier, multi-lay solid wood floor for the mainstream consum product on behalf of the wood floor categori refer to as: ENGNEERWOODFLOORING, mean that after process through the industri of wood flooring. These product of scienc to avoid the tradit problem in the us of solid wood flooring, show a longer life, more features, more feature-rich style of the surface.

1. A large-scal industri product process and style featur the perfect combin of Whether the three-tier or multi-lay solid wood floor solid wood flooring, interlock between layer of product structur to overcom the anisotropi of wood caus by the deformation.

2. Industrial timber pre-treat process Pair of large-scal timber pre-treat with anti-corrosion, stress balanced, pest control, flame retardant, antibacteri and other processing, timber process to achiev the process of industrialization.

3. Parquet product process so that process precis and stabil of the substanti increas in Large-scal precis machin equipment, machin micron-level accuracy, the product determin the combin of precis products, beauty, seal and moistur were measured.

4. Jiaogan more comfort In fact, the Jiaogan choos from the product timber textur of wood species, the most suitabl for make the surfac of the wood speci of wood mai be hard, veri cool and feel comfortable, three-tier, multi-lay solid wood floor surface, the middl layer us differ The wood species, to achiev the appear of decor high degre of uniti with the us of comfort.

5. Installat easier The three-tier and multi-lay solid wood floor suitabl for non-keel installation, with the popular of geotherm heating, non-keel instal of three-tier, multi-lay wood floor product stability, process precision, good thermal conduct of the strength of a signific expression. Statist show that a consider number of complaint is due to the keel of the floor caus by improp installation.

6. The rich surfac decor style characterist As the three-tier, multi-lay parquet wood cut surface, a differ method can produc differ decor effects, differ wai of splice produc differenti features, style, shape the product provid a rich space.

7. The higher the econom advantag of As the high rate of out of wood, parquet wood surfac with the same kind of tradit solid wood floor ha a veri signific cost advantage. At the same time as the sustain develop and comprehens util of resourc to make a posit contribution.