
Make Customers Come Back - Winning Customer Retention Strategies

thei spread Launch Pad neg public about you. On the other hand,You should not be afraid of it cost becaus custom retent pai it own dividends. Rememb that is easier to keep a custom than to win new ones. And that it is easier to lose on than to gain one. Lost custom will probabl never come back. And to top that. custom that ar happi attract more custom to your servic or product. Custom retention, therefore, should be an integr part of ani busi plan.

Custom Retent market is a tactically-driven strategi to keep relationship with custom go and increas custom interest. Thi strategi reli on the studi of custom behavior. Here ar the basic tenet of a market that seek to increas custom retention:

1. Past and Current custom behavior

if not predict,Thi is the best predictor of how custom will behav in the future. Thei ar the characterist market should most often look at. Analyz custom tendenc and trend allow the market to anticipate. the custom reaction to differ situations. The market must take note that behavior is action oriented, not a description. For example, be a 35-year-old woman is not a behavior; it s a demograph characteristic.

then you might want to chang your market tactic to includ promot sell when approach thi customer. A great deal of observ is need if you desir to predict your custom behavior. Thi involv a great deal of notetak as well as watch what reaction the custom ha to differ situations. For exampl if you know from histori that custom A is like to make a purchas if present with a discount promotion.

2. Active custom ar happi customers

thei develop a sens of content from the fact that thei ar in control. Market will take advantag of thi by offer promot that allow these custom to exercis thi feel of control. The most common mean of achiev thi kind of relationship with your custom is to offer promot such as discount cards,Happi custom ar retain customers. If your keep your custom involved. discounts, sweepstakes, coupons, and custom point that can be convert to prizes.

if the market is not active,Remember. then the custom is not activ as well. And as we said earlier, activ custom ar happi customers. Inactiv custom on the other hand ar lost customers. So activ on the part of the market is veri important. Custom retent reli heavili on satisfi your customers.

3. Custom Retent depend on:

- Action

- Reaction

- Feedback

- Iterate

more or less,Thi is a cycl that the market should perpetuate. If the market fail to continu thi cycle. thei will start lose the customer. Thi process make for a constant improv in custom relationship and in market power. It also optim the market strategi toward the customer. Rememb that not all custom ar alike, so adapt your strategi to fit the uniqu type of custom is vital in improv custom retention.

- Listen -

but it s not the market who doe all the talking. If you expect to have your custom to listen to you,It s funny. you must also learn to listen to them. Rememb that market ar try to present product or servic that the custom desires. The market will never learn the right approach toward address these desir unless he listen to hi customer.

- React -

try that approach again next time. If the custom show a neg reaction to,Watch for the custom s reaction to differ situat and note them down. If the custom show favor reaction to a particular type of pitch talk. let s say, too much talk by the marketer, the market should take note of this.

- Feedback -

interviews,Know what goe on in the mind of your custom is veri important. Usualli thei will be glad to have their thought regard your servic known. The market mai receiv thi feedback through suggest forms. and other methods.

4. Allocat Market Resources

it will fail. Custom retent need resourc to be effective. Custom retent is not free! You should consid custom retent as a major activity. And all major activ requir resources. If custom retent is not given proper attention.